This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

An EMO post?! Th' Hell is Wrong with me?!

HA! I'm actually writing a post about me And do you know what the great thing about it is? I can almost guarantee it never reaches the intended target, so I'm writing this soppy shit for no reason whatsoever! Enjoy it, folks, I'm sure most of you will use it as ammunition for any argument we have for the next few months.

So.... a while back I met this girlI liked her; she was easily the smartest person I'd ever met. In fact, I really liked her. I'm allowed to do that, you know; just because I've never actually had a girlfriend, doesn't mean I'm some sort of fucking eunuchAs usually happens for me, nothing worked out like I planned at first, but I'm a tenacious bastard, I kept trying. Here's my track record:
  • First Try: Shot down. Landing was fairly easy.
  • Second try: Shot down again. Landing was a bit rougher this time, but managable.
  • Third Try: "Shit! Where's that fucking landing strip?!?!"
.... yeah. That's about how it went. Lost the plane on that last landing, but I'm still here.

(Sorry, folks, but I'm going to have to cut this short. My comp froze and I lost everything beyond this point. I really don't feel like recreating it, and you'll soon see why.)

Anyway, like I said, cutting it short. Her name came up on the bus. She'd made me mad the week before, and I said "Damn bitch." I immediately felt bad about it, and said "No, I take that back. She's not a bitch." Eventually the first part got back to her, but not the second part. Ain't Murphy's Law great?

Now, a while back this girl moved away, and she can only reach me through MSN. She did today, and she was pissed. Now I'm being blocked. I guess I deserve it, but I don't think I've ever felt so numb in my life.

So, here's what I have to say to her:
I'm exceedingly sorry. I know that telling you I'm sorry won't help anything, but that's really all I can do. I said something that I shouldn't, and I'm truly sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I never wanted you to hate me. It sounds schmaltzy and desperate, and I suppose it is, but I really do care about you. Again... sorry.

As for the rest of you... who read this blog.. I might be a little difficult to deal with the next few days. I'd like to say ahead of time that I'm sorry, and I'll be fine soon.

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