This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Friday, March 25, 2005

A Current Event

[I'm really worried that this post is really going to offend people, so I'm going to apologize beforehand: If this post offends you, I am sincerely sorry. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong.]

Normally I don't comment on any particular current event, but I feel I have to say something about Terry Schiavo. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "right to life" in this case. Her husband's hired doctors say she is in a persistent vegetative state. Her parent's hired doctors say she has the capacity to improve with therapy, but she hasn't had any therapy in a decade, so apparently no one can give her therapy or no one is willing to pay for it. However, her parents contend that when she received therapeutic care, she uttered a few one-syllable words. So, as far as I'm concerned, it's not my problem, and is one of the few things I say should be left to the courts.

Anyway, her husband wants to, well, for lack of a better term, he wants to let her to die. (I know it sounds really callous, but I'm trying to get the point across quick.) As far as I'm concerned, the courts can do what they think is apropriate, which in this case is agreeing with him. But it's the way they're letting her die that bothers me. Basically, since they took out the tube that gives her nutrients and fluids, they are in fact starving and dehydrating her to death.

How fucking sick can we get?

I understand that the courts have basically ruled that she is going to die. But there are better ways to do it, right? I wouldn't know personally (obviously), but I'm pretty sure that starving and dehydrating are two of the worst ways to go. Why not just give her something to let her drift away painlessly? Supposedly the drugs they give to condemned convicts are painless (except putting in the IV). The way that works is, they put the IV's in the arms and run a saline solution through them. Then somone behind a wall presses a button that releases the poisons into the tubes, and kills the con without pain. I think they should set up something like that in this case, rather than starving her to death. But I think they should make a few exceptions; namely, they should have her husband look her in the eye as he presses the button. If he can bring himself to do it, fine. If he can't, the case should be reviewed.

Comments, please.


Annie said...

Starving to death = not cool. I certainly wouldnt want to starve to death, and Im sure even the people who say that if they were in this womans position would want to be killed wouldnt want to be killed like that... O.o

Dark Avatar said...

I've seen that one. Isn't it wonderful?