This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mother Nature Bitch-Slaps the Gulf Coast

So there's another f*cking hurricane, and this time instead of god's punishment for the debauchery of New Orleans (a statement I have heard made in earnest), it's apparently punishment directed at my area and most likely me in particular. So I am once again outsmarting the cosmos (which appears to be pretty stupid) by leaving for: Brenham. I'm not sure where that is, and quite frankly I don't care. I think it's somewhere between here and Stephenville.
I'd really rather stay here. Would you like to know what is in Brenham?

  • The Blue Bell Ice Cream factory.

And that's it.

The relative we're staying with lives way the hell out in the country, which isn't so bad. I like the country, especially when there's a chance I might get to see a UFO or Bigfoot or something. The UFO is more likely since it's near a big lake and a nuclear power plant, which are prime spots for UFOs. Bigfoot's not so likely, he doesn't seem to hang about in Texas much. What I'm really hoping for is a Mothman sighting, which usually seems to happen in areas that are about to go through a disaster. I've already heard bits and peices about something inhuman sneaking around in the big f*cking soup bowl that was once the Big Easy, but I'm not putting much stock in that. It's probably just a baby that got flushed down the toilet when it got too big to take care of and mutated. (See why there's a hurricane headed right for my ass?)

But like I said, Mothman hangs about in areas that are about to experience a disaster, which is part of the reason I want to stay here. The other parts revolve around a few facts. First, I'm a crazy bastard who does whatever occurs to him as an amusing activity, and riding out what's probably going to end up a force 4 hurricane sounds like an adventure to me. Also, I can do a bit of looting afterward, but since I'm white, I'll just be "finding" a new TV. The second reason is that lately I've seen nothing to justify my continued existence. I've been causing nothing but trouble and recieving nothing but pain from people who I consider friends. So as far as I can tell I'm serving no purpose whatsoever and my existence shouldbe terminated or justified. But my f*cking parents are too f*cking stupid to understand that I'd be doing better here, where I know where the safe places are (the Center, the schools, and the mall are probably the sturdiest buildings in the ares, and I have access to all three one way or another.), where the stuff I might need in case of power outage is (Academy and Wal-Mart), and where I know where to hide from the government f*cks trying to enforce mandatory evacuation.

That's another thing I'm getting tired of, "mandatory" shit. "Mandatory evacuation, "Mandatory medical checkup," "mandatory vaccination," "mandatory school attendance." I don't mind school or vaccination, but I'm getting really f*cking tired of the powers that be mandating how and where I go when my property is in danger. I've got shit I can't take with us that I don't want dissappearing, thank you very much, and I know the National Guard doesn't give a damn about it. How much would you like to bet that cops weren't the only authorities jacking stuff in New Orleans?

Anyway, like I said, I don't want to leave, and while it may sound stupid, I personally think I would enjoy it, a kind of castaway with prefabricated shelter, but none of that "talking to a volleyball" crap. I'm psychopathic and sadistic, not schizophrenic. So... if I can manage, I'll stay, and if I can, I'll post, but don't count on it, 'cause my parents f*cking suck and I promise they will use MY cattleprod to get me into the car. Otherwise, you may not hear from me for a good long time, but don't worry about me. I'm like cockroaches, pushers, and pimps; you can't get rid of me without a hell of a fight. And hurricanes, Mother Nature, and the cosmos itself are going to be hard put to wipe me out.

Good luck to anyone who's evacuating. If you need me for anything, you can reach me with a comment, and I'll check tomorrow morning before we leave. Most of you know my phone number, though.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you managed to make that post three times.

Dark Avatar said...

Me neither, but thanks for pointing that out.