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Saturday, July 30, 2005

The List

So, last time I said I was a bit sick, which turned out to be an understatement, as I just got out of the hospital after a bout with pneumonia. Not fun, but not the subject of this post, just what led to it. I've been reading a biography of Douglas Adams, who wrote The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, along with loads of other excellent stuff, of course, including several episodes of Doctor Who. (By the way, I didn't know much about that show, but now I'm going to be looking for episodes online.) But reading about him has just cemented an idea I've had for a long damn time. It goes like this: I know it is currently possible to clone someone's body, but there is no way to give the clone the same personality as the original. But... and this is what happens when I suspend all logic and get deep into fantasyland.... suppose we could imbue the mind of the original, the personality, into the clone body? Who should be cloned first? I'm going to start the list here, and if you have a name to add, please do it. I'd love to hear it. Here goes (by the way, these are in no particular order):

Douglas Adams
John Lennon
George Harrison
John F. Kennedy
Che Guevara
Nicollo Machiavelli
Christ (just becasue I don't think he was god, doesn't mean he didn't exist. There's more proof of his existance than there is for Julius Ceasar.)
Albert Einstein
Winston Churchill
Thomas Jefferson
Issac Asimov (who I just found out died of AIDS from an infected transfusion. Stupid doctor syndrome)

So, that's the list for now. I'll try to add at least one name to it in updates every, oh, let's say every month, and see if I can stick to it. And if you have a name that needs to be on the list, leave a comment, please.


Anonymous said...

There can NEVER NEVER be too many johhny depps in the world.
Stephen Hawking
and....Angelina Jolie it possible to clone food? and...would it be edible? because then we could end world hunger....all we'd need to do is find a way to get it to third world countries. actually we have enough food to feed the world population. the only problem is transportation. A lot of it goes bad before it gets there. It would take a lot of money to transport the food. poor people. umm
we could always clone Sadam Hussein. That would be fun. and it would piss many people off.

Anonymous said...

What is it with you and Angelina Jolie, Debra...Yeah, Saddam would be nice, it'd make capitalism happy. Sell little dehydrated insta-saddams for people to grow when they feel like beating someone up. Hitler, too. Hell, they could make an entire franchise out of it.

Mouse said...

Don't clone Che. I think it would piss him off.

Fuckkit said...

Angelina Jolie. Oh yeah, definately! And Milla Jovovich. Quite a few of those please.
And a clone of me that I can send to work while I go shopping with my clone's hard earned cash.

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