This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"Jesus, save us from your followers."

I know this is going to piss off a lot of christians--hell, the TITLE of the post is going to piss them off--but I heard some stuff last weekend that made me think, so you get to hear about it.

I was at the Baylor afternoon commencement this weekend, to see a friend graduate, and the President of the university, Robert Sloan, gave a speech. You can probably find a transcript on the internet, but I didn't look. The basic gist of the speech was that graduates had to be careful because society is downplaying Christianity (remember, Baylor is a baptist university).

The powers that be seem to forget that everything works on a cycle, including religion.

In the late 1700's, the Washington/Jefferson/Franklin era, most of the well-known players in American histroy were atheists. Any mention of "god: in the constitution is coincidental and probably just a turn of phrase. Society isn't downplaying anything any more than it has to to keep the cycle going. So there's no reason for the christians to worry--they'll cycle back.

The other thing they're screwing up is religious relations. While the Catholics and Protestants aren't killing each other as much as they used to---except in Ireland, of course--they've decided to start a second series of Crusades. This time, instead of "Let us go forth and free the Holy City of Jerusalem from the evil of the Muslim savages," the rallying cry is "War On Terror!," and it's coming from the mouth of one of the dumbest men ever elected to the White House. Can we get rid of him before he somehow pulls a Palpatine? Please? We don't need to kill people for oil, we can fricking buy it, or buy the oil wells, or something. Also, for every person we kill in the middle east, 10 people strap TNT to themselves and get on a bus for a rather short ride. GIVE UP. It's way past time to get the hell out of Iraq, okay?


Annie said...

This report brought to you by the over use of sterotypes and extreme close mindedness.

Dark Avatar said...

Damn straight, it was, and it's time we used those things rather than ignoring them. Maybe then we can start to fix this shit.