This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Things that are pissing me off

-Christians, again. Not all of them, just a few, really. I swear to Newton, the next little prick who tells me I'm going to hell 'cause I don't fucking believe in Jesus is getting his little cross necklace shoved up his ass. These stupid motherfuckers think that, no matter what you do with your life, if you don't worship JESUS like some kind of goddam SHEEP, you're gonna get your ass pounded by Satan for all eternity, or whatever. By their rationale, Ghandi, Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha, stupid), and Thomas Jefferson (most of the founding fathers, in fact. Enlightenment, you little punks) are all burning as we speak! I CANNOT agree with that stupid, elitist shit. So, the next person who spouts that kind of crap is getting their ass whupped on by the NEW damned Enlightenment. We're logical, AND pissed. Watch the fuck out.

-Energy Drinks. I had a whole post on this, but I lost it, so, fuck it. Anyway, I drink the stuff, but I've got a coupla problems with it. First, it doesn't work as described. I had a Monster THIS MORNING, and I threw away the empty can at 7:03. I was falling asleep in the library by 9.30. It may be 'cause I was studying my AP Euro book, but I tend to think it's 'cause energy drinks don't really do SHIT. The second problem I have is that the little fuckers are addictive. Honestly, when you're drinkin' 'em in the morning, you're fine. When you're drinkin' 'em alone, you're still fine. But when you're missing food, and water, for that swill, I will have to intervene.

-Just about everything between here, and LA. And everything between here, and England. Distance sucks.

-Jake. Seriously, he's makin' me MAD. See, the thing about Jake, is that he and I agree on LOTS of shit. It's kinda scary. But lately, he's just been abusive. There's really no other word for it. He's mean about the people I hang out with, he's mean about my friends, he's mean to me in particular. I don't mind the last one, honestly, but when he's calling my friends immoral, he can kiss my ass. Also, his girlfriend... look, she's a nice enough kid, and she's pretty and all, but my god can she be a bitch. I don't think she means to, I think she's just trying to make Jake happy. And another thing, they're both really fucking mean to everyone when they're together, just to make themselves look good to each other, and that's fuckin' pitiful.

More later if I can think of anything.

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