This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Saga of Anderson and "VenomFangX"

So there's this dude hanging around Youtube. Christian dude. here's some of his videos. I flat REFUSE to host them here, so they're just links:

The Age of the Earth
Evolution: Satan's Tool
Evil Islam Created by Satan (the devil)

Now, my associate Terry ran across this kid last night and showed his stuff to me. We both noted that there were NO critical comments on his videos. When Terry added a comment, he was notified that it would be posted pending approval. This actually got a bug up my ass, so I sent him a message via youtube.

Hi there! I've only watched one of your videos as I send this, but I plan to check out a few more shortly. I noticed, however, than there were few if any comments critical of your work. Now, as not everyone on youtube is a creationist christian, you're most likely editing the commentary. I'm not angry about that or anything, I'm just curious as to why you feel dissenting opinions don't deserve the same "facetime," as it were, as those who agree with you. I'm not here to argue with you; I'm just curious. I'd really appreciate a response. God Bless!" -Paladin Alexander

His response:

Simply because there will be objections, and people can find them on the video responses on the side bars. On my channel however, I wanted to display people who agreed with me. If you are in the camp that disagrees with me, or just want to see the other side, youtube makes that available to you. My channel is a Christian channel, and is only for Christian opinions.

and the email I'm about to send him:
Went back and watched more of your videos. Didn't finish a single one. You speak as though you know what will happen after death. You speak as though you know the age of the earth. You speak as though you know that you are right and that all who do not agree are wrong. You have no right to speak this way, because you cannot know. The only way you will ever learn wether you are right or wrong is to die.

What you speak of is BELIEF.

You BELIEVE that the earth is six thousand years old, that evolution is the work of the devil, and that the Catholic church is also a tool of Satan, and you draw these conclusions from a BOOK. I've got a book, too! It's called the encyclopedia! It tells me that I can observe evolution in the AIDS virus, since the reason we can't cure it is that it keeps mutating to variations resistant to the environmental changes of our medication... EVOLUTION! It tells me that the Catholic Church was the first real organization to spread the word of Christ, and that Protestants like yourself are a schism from Catholicism! Isn't that AMAZING?! It tells me that by simply looking at rock strata you can tell that the earth is FAR older than six thousand years! And unlike your book, my book is accepted worldwide! No one fights about what's in my book, and no one is killed for my book. My book gets added onto every year, whereas yours hasn't changed in two thousand... unless you count the edits the church has made to it. My book doesn't preach, my book simply teaches. It probably hasn't sold as many copies, but I bet more people have read from it and used it!

Listen, pal. It's people like you that put people like me out of the church. It's guys like you, and Fred Phelps, and Pat Robertson, who stand in the streets and the churchs (and in front of webcams, credit where credit is due), screaming "Believe what I believe or you will SUFFER!," who sour the teachings of Christ, one of the most kind, benevolent, loving men the world has ever known. YOU make JESUS look bad, got it? And I hope he tells you so.

The people who speak as stridently as you do not believe in God out of love for his creation and the beings in it. They believe out of fear, and they scream from the low places to gather others like themselves. The more people agree with you, the more you feel justified in your slamming of science and the faiths of others. You all feed off each other in an orgy of egotistical self-serving perversion of religion, making it seem sick and making us all tired of your unending rhetoric and your ceaseless dirt-throwing. I'm sure Christ would be proud of your effort but disgusted by your message.

To tell you the truth, you impress me. The fact that you would go to such great lenghts of research simply to make a few videos that you KNOW are inflammatory, and then act as though you've done nothing wrong, takes some kind of guts. I commend you for being so stubborn and determined to be right that you can't even see that someone else might be right. So, if you've managed to read this far, rather than thinking "Oh, he doesn't agree with me, he's a helbound heathen, etc," and deleting the message, I have a question for you. I see your behavior more often in people who are homeschooled than people who socialize in a public or private school. I suppose my question is really which kind of school you attend, so if you could tell me I'd appreciate it.

Meanwhile, it chafes me to say it, but as far as your beliefs go you're defending them quite well. Good job, and, well, keep up the good work.

I'm now awating a response. Updates as soon as I'm able. Mahalo.

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