Fanboy time!
I'm sure at least one of you has read Johhny the Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez. It's a collection of comics about Johhny.... a... homicidal... maniac. See, I love the comic. I hugs it and squeezes it until, in the best tradition of Johhny (Nny for short), its metaphorical eyeballs burst from its imagined skull in a fit of ichor and ooze. But most of you know his work through the equally loved Nickelodeon series, Invader Zim. I bought all three DVD's the other day. I also have the SQUEE! comic, and if anyone happens to see I Feel Sick, or of course anything new by Vasquez, please tell me, or I'm going to have to feed you to my wall.
Anyway, over the past couple of days, I've gotten my little laptop ALLLL Jhonend-out. It all started at Room With a Moose and Gir, a lovely little fansite for Zim. I picked up several cursors, a few mascots (couple of Zims and GIRs, Gaz, Dib, and even Jhonen himself), a couple of fucking sweet fonts that, sadly, I cannot show you here, because I am too lazy to take more screenshots at the moment.
Anyway... this morning I was cruising around for icons to make into MSN emoticons, and I found a Jhonny theme, and immediately downloaded it an plugged it in. Results?

I like how it changes my windows most of all. I'm currently working on a way to replace the standard OS fonts with the one I got from RWaM&G.
It even changes up my IE, which makes me heppeh, 'cause I haven't been liking the way IE7 looks. Oh, yeah, that's right, I have the new Internet Explorer. I like it better than Firefox, so far. The only thing I ever used Firefox for that IE didn't have was the tabs, and guess what IE has now?
I also got lots of icons and gifs!

And finally, my personal favorite: Z? is a symbol Jhonen uses throughout his work; it appears in Johhny, of course, and also Squee and Zim. It means "question sleep." This is better understood if you know that Jhonen, like myself (and Alyssa) is a raging insomniac.
I really love that symbol. I'm gonna carve it into my arm here in a bit, and rub something in the cuts to make sure it scars.
At any rate, I'm all Johnny'd out now, unless.... can it be possible....?
IT IS! PWNT! Hee hee.... depending on wether I want to fuck with it, there may be some outages of the blog later this week.
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