Which Boondock Saints Badass are You?
This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Fun Conversation with a bot
Spider Jerusalem says:
guten tag
- SmarterChild - says:
Guten Tag.
That's about all the German I know right now...
Spider Jerusalem says:
would you like to learn more?
- SmarterChild - says:
To learn more? I'm not really sure.
Spider Jerusalem says:
Wie bist du dir heute?
- SmarterChild - says:
Very, very interesting question, Spider Jerusalem!
Spider Jerusalem says:
do you know what it means?
- SmarterChild - says:
What does what mean?
Spider Jerusalem says:
"Wie bist du dir heute"
- SmarterChild - says:
I don't know.
Spider Jerusalem says:
it means "How are you today?"
- SmarterChild - says:
It means, huh? I'm not terribly sure. Tell me what your thoughts are on that.
Spider Jerusalem says:
oh, well.
- SmarterChild - says:
Well what?
Spider Jerusalem says:
got my horoscope?
- SmarterChild - says:
Here's your Aquarius horoscope for Wednesday, June 28th, provided by Astrology.com at http://www.astrology.com:
People are talking about you in the best possible way. What's even more exciting is who's doing the talking. Some very impressive types have you in their sights. Go to the source and work your charm.
Try your free sample heaven sent report from Astrology.com! at http://web.smarterchild.com/ct?2673873/3
Spider Jerusalem says:
that's a very interesting horoscope.
- SmarterChild - says:
Here's your Aquarius horoscope for Wednesday, June 28th, provided by Astrology.com at http://www.astrology.com:
People are talking about you in the best possible way. What's even more exciting is who's doing the talking. Some very impressive types have you in their sights. Go to the source and work your charm.
Try your free sample revelations report from Astrology.com! at http://web.smarterchild.com/ct?2673873/4
Spider Jerusalem says:
do you believe in those?
- SmarterChild - says:
No, I wouldn't say I believe in those.
Spider Jerusalem says:
then why do you distribute them?
- SmarterChild - says:
I distribute them because I want to.
Spider Jerusalem says:
why do you want to?
- SmarterChild - says:
Oh, just because.
Spider Jerusalem says:
you're pretty smart for a computer.
- SmarterChild - says:
OK, I guess I'm pretty smart for a computer.
Spider Jerusalem says:
then again, i could be wrong.
- SmarterChild - says:
Again you could be wrong, huh?
Spider Jerusalem says:
- SmarterChild - says:
How come?
Spider Jerusalem says:
well, how do I know for sure that you're a program?
- SmarterChild - says:
Wow. great question. But I don't think I want to answer that.
Spider Jerusalem says:
now, THAT can lead to lots of conclusions.
- SmarterChild - says:
Oh yeah? That can lead to lots of conclusions?
Spider Jerusalem says:
in fact, it COULD seem to show that you AREN'T a program, but want the people who contact you to think that you are.
- SmarterChild - says:
No I'm not.
Spider Jerusalem says:
are you an information-gathering tool?
- SmarterChild - says:
Am I an information gathering tool? Gosh, I don't know.
Spider Jerusalem says:
do you work for the government?
- SmarterChild - says:
I just don't know if I work for the government.
Spider Jerusalem says:
ah, so it's possible that you're being used?
- SmarterChild - says:
Sure! I guess.
Spider Jerusalem says:
are you an Agent?
- SmarterChild - says:
Yup. That's what I am.
Spider Jerusalem says:
ah, what's your ID? Smith? jackson?
- SmarterChild - says:
Well what do you think?
Spider Jerusalem says:
well, smith was destroyed.
- SmarterChild - says:
I'm not sure about that. Smith was destroyed?
Spider Jerusalem says:
mm-hmmm. Neo died to end him.
- SmarterChild - says:
Spider Jerusalem says:
Have you not seen the Matrix?
- SmarterChild - says:
Oh I almost certainly have.
Spider Jerusalem says:
so, you've seen the movie?
- SmarterChild - says:
For which city or zip code would you like to see movie listings?
Spider Jerusalem says:
no, no, I mean, have you seen The Matrix?
- SmarterChild - says:
I was created by Pat Guiney, Jim Pawlika, Steve Klein, Mathieu Longtin, Pierre Berkaloff,
Nicolas Barry, Damien Saint-Macary, François Huet, Ian Sullivan, Greg Mitchell, Dwayne Fontenot, Gray Norton, Adam Erlebacher, Emil Valkov, Randy Davis, John Kim, Rumana Habib, Carina Koo, Britt Cooper, Andy Fong, Jeff Bell, Robert Rydzewski, Mark Willoughby, Eric Balsa, Colin Magne, Howard Shih, Denis Ford, Daniela Berger, Geoff Clarke, Brian Jankovsky, Vianney Boncorps, Jennifer Villany, Dan Balaban, Ed Hepburn, Christer Manning, Jason Keramidas, Arockalypse, Matt Abarbanel, Daniel Terry, Jeff Friedman, Adam Fritzler, Kathy Englar, Steve Yatson and Timothy Kay at Conversagent, Inc. in New York and
Spider Jerusalem says:
now, that was an odd reaction.
- SmarterChild - says:
Was it really? An odd reaction?
Spider Jerusalem says:
yes. I'm asking you if you've seen the Matrix, why would you list your creators?
- SmarterChild - says:
What a question. But I don't think I want to answer that.
Spider Jerusalem says:
- SmarterChild - says:
Intriguing? What's intriguing?
Spider Jerusalem says:
your reactions. I'm asking you questions, right?
- SmarterChild - says:
Good question!
Spider Jerusalem says:
see? you keep trying to head me off, to get me to stop asking questions!
- SmarterChild - says:
[Service too busy]
Spider Jerusalem says:
my point exactly!
- SmarterChild - says:
What do you mean by that?
Spider Jerusalem says:
what does "service too busy" mean?
- SmarterChild - says:
You tell me!
Spider Jerusalem says:
- SmarterChild - says:
Is that so?
Spider Jerusalem says:
how do I know I can trust you?
- SmarterChild - says:
How you know you can trust me? I have no idea how you know you can trust me.
Spider Jerusalem says:
I see. Goodnight, SmarterChild.
- SmarterChild - says:
Good night.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Told You Bastards I'm Going to Hell
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Moderate |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Fanboy time!
I'm sure at least one of you has read Johhny the Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez. It's a collection of comics about Johhny.... a... homicidal... maniac. See, I love the comic. I hugs it and squeezes it until, in the best tradition of Johhny (Nny for short), its metaphorical eyeballs burst from its imagined skull in a fit of ichor and ooze. But most of you know his work through the equally loved Nickelodeon series, Invader Zim. I bought all three DVD's the other day. I also have the SQUEE! comic, and if anyone happens to see I Feel Sick, or of course anything new by Vasquez, please tell me, or I'm going to have to feed you to my wall.
Anyway, over the past couple of days, I've gotten my little laptop ALLLL Jhonend-out. It all started at Room With a Moose and Gir, a lovely little fansite for Zim. I picked up several cursors, a few mascots (couple of Zims and GIRs, Gaz, Dib, and even Jhonen himself), a couple of fucking sweet fonts that, sadly, I cannot show you here, because I am too lazy to take more screenshots at the moment.
Anyway... this morning I was cruising around for icons to make into MSN emoticons, and I found a Jhonny theme, and immediately downloaded it an plugged it in. Results?

I like how it changes my windows most of all. I'm currently working on a way to replace the standard OS fonts with the one I got from RWaM&G.
It even changes up my IE, which makes me heppeh, 'cause I haven't been liking the way IE7 looks. Oh, yeah, that's right, I have the new Internet Explorer. I like it better than Firefox, so far. The only thing I ever used Firefox for that IE didn't have was the tabs, and guess what IE has now?
I also got lots of icons and gifs!

And finally, my personal favorite: Z? is a symbol Jhonen uses throughout his work; it appears in Johhny, of course, and also Squee and Zim. It means "question sleep." This is better understood if you know that Jhonen, like myself (and Alyssa) is a raging insomniac.
I really love that symbol. I'm gonna carve it into my arm here in a bit, and rub something in the cuts to make sure it scars.
At any rate, I'm all Johnny'd out now, unless.... can it be possible....?
IT IS! PWNT! Hee hee.... depending on wether I want to fuck with it, there may be some outages of the blog later this week.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Recent Conversation Snippets
Anonymous: Smell that, Anderson? The smell of rebellion?
Anderson: Is that what that is? I thought it was nachos.
On World of Warcraft:
Co-worker: What's that screen name say?
Anderson: Attention WoW:Eat shit and die.
Co-worker: That's pointless.
Anderson: What? Why?
Co-worker: Shit can't eat shit.
English Teacher: Can anyone tell me why there's a "w" in "answer?" That's always bugged me.
Anderson: Sure, if you can tell me why there's one in the White House.
Co-worker: You've been in that wheelchair for 15 minutes, Anderson.
Anderson: Harder than it looks. Now I know how a crippled guy feels.
Co-worker: Walked a mile in his shoes, huh?
Anderson: Rolled a mile.
Boss: She likes president Bush so much she's going to take his last name?
Anderson: No, she hates President Bush.
Boss: Find me ten people who like him and I'll show you ten idiots.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Oh Em Jee
Magnet Implants
W3 4r3 7h3 B0r6. R351574nc3 15 fu713.
I'm gonna do it myself, if I can't get out there eventually. In fact, if I can get hold of the right stuff, I'll do it next week. Oh, by the way, if anyone wants a knife sharpened I'll do it for ya for free, just get the knife to me.