Slowww day. Really, all day at sea on the way to Cozumel. I'm not going to be able to hang out with people my age. None of them have the kind of quirks my friends at home do, the little eccentricities that make them fun to be around.
The damn thing [the ship] lists alot, from side to side. I tied a watch to one of the fire sprinklers in the cabin, just too see how far it was tilting. The most I ever saw was ~7 degrees, but I haven't been in the cabin all day.
The fscking toilets here could kill a man. It's like the airplanes on a toilet.... shit. It's like the toilets on an airplane. Lots of suction. The thing could rip your arm off if you let it.
AS Report: Almost done with book 7. Michael is frickin' awesome. When the hell is Setsuna getting out of Alexiel's body?
9.04 PM
I need anime.
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