A while back I got on some emailing lists from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). They're a group that think of themselves as "our nation's guardian of liberty." While this is a good thing to guard, they seem to lean a bit more toward the liberal side of things. Right now they're acting against the Intelligent Design court case in Pennsylvania. Basically the intelligent design proponents want their theory put into science texts as an alternative to evolution. Their theory is that creation and evolution are not spontaneous, but are guided by an unseen intelligence. Apparently I'm not the only one who sees that crap as a direct gateway to religion. While there's nothing wrong with religion (it seems to keep the masses pretty well anesthetized), putting Intelligent Design into textbooks as "science" could be very misleading. It's the closest thing I've ever seen to a scientific justification of God, or it would be, except for the fact that it cannot be scientifically tested and proved. This post, however, is not about Intelligent Design, but before I leave this subject, I'd like to point you to a site designed by a guy who seems to be having lots of fun with the theory.
This post is more about me. I have some very odd political views. I don't fall on the left wing, or the right wing, but somewhere in between. I am, as this post's title suggests, the wishbone of politics.
I'm pro-choice, pro-capital punishment. (That said, the right now hates me for a baby-killer, and the left hates me for a felon-killer.) The way I see it, a woman's body is her business, and if it can be proved that you killed someone who didn't need to be killed, you should be executed. I like to call it "quick karma." Rather than getting what's coming to you in your next life, you get yours now, and don't have to suffer later as a tapeworm.
I'm against gun control. Quite frankly, I just love guns. I don't own any.... yet. But I'm going to start buying as soon as I can, maybe get a dealer's licence so I can get the good stuff. I'm thinking of one of those Russian .50-cal Dragonoff sniper rifles, maybe a nice Desert Eagle. No point in getting two, if you try to double-wield a pair of those big bastards you'll break both your wrists. And of course, like any good Hellsing fan, I'd give blood (heh) for a Casull .454.
I'm not exactly anti-religion, but I think it should be kept out of the schools and government institutions. If the kiddos want to pray on their own time, they can go ahead, but you don't let the fascist principals pray over the intercom. You really should can that moment of silence, 'cause that shit is boring as hell. I also do not want to see the ten commandments in a courthouseor on some official's desk. If I was to somehow end up in the president's office (probably in chains, if Homeland Security and the FBI ever read this blog) and saw a cross, he would be getting a bawling out from a mean, cynical punk who's still too young to vote. Other than government and schools, though, religion is fine, as long as you keep it out of my face.
I don't think anything on TV should be censored, as far as language goes. That's why they invented the fucking V-chip, for PARENTAL CONTROL and a really good gag in the South Park movie. I think that if parent's don't want their kiddies watching Chapelle's Show, then let them block it. The rest of us want to hear every shit, crap, fuck, and damn, and everything else, without and goddam beeping. (You'll notice I'm not self-editing this post.)
That's about all I can think of for now, but it's enough, I'm nobody's darling at this point. If I can think of more I'll add it later, but I have to stop everything and pretend I'm going to bed at 10:00 because my parents idolize Adolf Hitler.
This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
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