This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I've been playing DOOM3 the past few days.

I came to class today, and there are a few access hatches open in the ceilings of the hallways here. I keep expecting to have to whip out my pocketknife and stab an Imp to death or something.

This is post one hundred. I think I wasted it quite well.

Monday, November 27, 2006

THIS is the most VILE, DISGUSTING, FUCKED UP thing I have EVER seen.

And I've seen a lot of fucked up things, so trust me, this one is REALLYBAD.

They had no right.

I want THOSE cops, a broked extension cord, a live plug, and NO INTERRUPTIONS for about an HOUR.

And SPEAKING of punishing the police... what the FUCK are all those kids STANDING THERE FOR? is it FUNNY???!!! FUCKING DO SOMETHING! Goddam pussy college kids! There's THIRTY of you and THREE cops. Oh wait, wait, let me clarify. Three RENTACOPS. You afraid of the tasers? So the FUCK WHAT? Get in there with your thirty pound "messenger sacks" and WHIP SOME ASS. What happened, you forget that there's no WAY they'll know who to punish? That there's no WAY they'd get away with it if they TRIED? What the FUCK?! Is that how much you little fratfucks RESPECT AUTHORITY?!

And let's not even get INTO the racial profiling bit. I admit the guy who got tasered probably incited the FIRST one. But I ask you, have YOU ever been tasered? I have, long story.
What I'm trying to say is, it really doesn't matter what your objective is, when that fucking NUKE hits your ass, you want to DIE. It's effectively setting off every nerve in your body, which means, your entire fucking being HURTS. So, as well as he takes it, that kid is never gonna be the same. He'll probably be twitchy the rest of his LIFE.
I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of people getting away with it. I'm sick of people starting it. But most of all I'm sick of people with the power to STOP it letting it GO ON.
'scuse me, it's time for me to hit the damn bottle. again. 'night.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


My left eye hurt when I woke up this morning.

It hurt at work. I asked James and Nathan if it looked funny or anything, but they said nothing was wrong with it.

I came home and took a look in the mirror, and found that there was a blackhead on the lower lid. You know, the one that doesn't really move, it just sits there on its fleshy ass and lets the other one come down on it.

To it. Come down TO it.

Anyway, I was trying to pop it with my fingers, and thought, "well, this shit isn't working. I know! I'll get my little tiny pliers and use those!"

About a minute later I had found the plier, pulled the contact from my eye, and was standing in front of the mirror. I said to myself, "Well old man, this is either gonna work PERFECT or it's gonna suck hardcore."

About three minutes of screaming bloody murder later, I looked back into the mirror. The eye was now bloodshot and the lower lid (lazy bastard) was a bit swollen.

"Daaaaaamn.... that sucked hardcore."

And the blackhead is STILL THERE.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Eureka is on. That new show, on scifi (yay skiffy). It's really fun, I'm sorry I've not been watching it. I'll probably come out on DVD, though. That'd be nice.

It's thanksgiving. About the only thing I'm thankful for is that I'm not a turkey.

Hawk looks awesome in today's AG. I think it might just be the lighting, and the angle, but I hope he stays that way for a while.

I'm gonna get me an M1 licence, then start making payments on a motorcycle. I'm tired of my car. I mean, I love my car, it's my baby, but it's time I get something of my own. Also I'll save a fuckwad on gas.

I got a haircut. Like, a massive haircut. It's short for the first time in about three years. I got hit on right after I got it cut, too, though I'm not sure I'd want to pick up a chick who hits on people in the Buc-ees.

Sweet. Another episdoe of Eureka. (looks like the pilot, though) See, that's really the only reason I get out of bed on thanksgiving. TV Marathons, particularly the annual Bond Marathon on Spike. Mmmmm.... Sean Connery.

I wish I had the X-Files DVD's. I miss Mulder.

Yeah, it's the pilot. Oh, well, it was good anyway. Final Fantasy XII keeps whipping my ASS. I may well take a step back to XI and see what's up with the MMO crowd. With one know exception, you're all freaks.

They stole "Mad World" from Donnie Darko and put it in a Gears of War commercial. No matter how good the game is and how much I love Microsoft, that's theft of my childhood. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna get the game, though.

I forgot what I was going to say here.

This is cool. Especially for you Japan fans. Can you tell what district they're in just from the look of the subway?:

Monday, November 20, 2006


My brother and his friends make videos and post them on youtube. They're actually pretty funny. This is the latest. See if you can pick him out. Hint:"'Fro Thunda'"

Why do I stay here?

I nearly fucking died tonight. No joke. It was great. Better than actually dying, which I've also done. It's kind of cold, and you know what? It really didn't change my outlook on life at all.

This new Blogger beta seems absolutely pointless. Other than the addition of the google accounts, it seems entirely cosmetic. I like Google, though.

Kinky Friedman lost. Meh. Maybe I'll run for something sometime.

I don't think I'll be with my girlfriend too much longer. I'm just... irritated. And I'm tired enough without having to deal with irrational emotional outbursts. I need to sleep more. Fuck sleep.

My computer chair broke. So if I want to use my computer, I have to sit on a stool, which puts me up too high, or on my knees, so they hurt all the time.

I think I'll buy a tarot deck.

The PS3 can get fucked also.

People are going to be coming home for thanksgiving, and then Christmas, soon. It makes me happy, I might get to see people I haven't seen since summer. It'll be a nice chance for them to remember why they hate me.

Wow. This was a boring damn post. Nice.