This is a blog created by a very opinionated guy. I hope you understand 'opinionated,' because that's all the warning you get. So, just remember, if something on this blog offends you, just LEAVE.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Hero I Can Support

Wow. Holy shit.

I guess the truth IS out there.

So it would appear we finally know who Deep Throat really is.

See, this is the kind of thing I pay attention to. While the rest of you are obsessing over Michael Jackson (child-molesting freak), and Lords of Dogtown (lowbrow loser movie), and other such crap, I'm noticing the fact that the true identity of one of the most important figures in the Watergate scandal is finally know to the public. Of course, most of you probably think that "deep throat" is just something to do with a BJ.

Anyway, for those of you too lazy to click on a goddam link, Deep Throat was the primary source for the Washington Post reporters who busted the Watergate scandal wide open. Since he was obviously well inside the scandal, his identity was kept a secret, and kept very well. But now he has revealed himself to be W. Mark Felt, who at the time he was sharing information with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, was the NUMBER TWO MAN AT THE FBI.

Did you read that properly? That was the FBI. The FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation. That means that Felt was directly reporting to the man who reported to Nixon for the entire Bureau (their HQ in Washington is very nice, by the way. I quite enjoyed the tour.). If he had been found out he basically would have been, for lack of a more descriptive word, FUCKED. Here is an American hero I can support, someone who goes against the entire executive branch of the United States government. This man was, at the time, proabably the man most hated and wanted by the most powerful man in the world. You talk about "living in fear".... bin Laden isn't in the US, or so the govt. hopes. People have been searching for Deep Throat for almost 30 years. That has got to be a BITCH as far as stress goes.

But anyway.... all respect to W. Mark Felt. Anyone who takes that much risk, and helps bring down one of the most corrupted men in one of the most corruptible positions in the world...who happens to be his deserving of respect from anyone you can name.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"Jesus, save us from your followers."

I know this is going to piss off a lot of christians--hell, the TITLE of the post is going to piss them off--but I heard some stuff last weekend that made me think, so you get to hear about it.

I was at the Baylor afternoon commencement this weekend, to see a friend graduate, and the President of the university, Robert Sloan, gave a speech. You can probably find a transcript on the internet, but I didn't look. The basic gist of the speech was that graduates had to be careful because society is downplaying Christianity (remember, Baylor is a baptist university).

The powers that be seem to forget that everything works on a cycle, including religion.

In the late 1700's, the Washington/Jefferson/Franklin era, most of the well-known players in American histroy were atheists. Any mention of "god: in the constitution is coincidental and probably just a turn of phrase. Society isn't downplaying anything any more than it has to to keep the cycle going. So there's no reason for the christians to worry--they'll cycle back.

The other thing they're screwing up is religious relations. While the Catholics and Protestants aren't killing each other as much as they used to---except in Ireland, of course--they've decided to start a second series of Crusades. This time, instead of "Let us go forth and free the Holy City of Jerusalem from the evil of the Muslim savages," the rallying cry is "War On Terror!," and it's coming from the mouth of one of the dumbest men ever elected to the White House. Can we get rid of him before he somehow pulls a Palpatine? Please? We don't need to kill people for oil, we can fricking buy it, or buy the oil wells, or something. Also, for every person we kill in the middle east, 10 people strap TNT to themselves and get on a bus for a rather short ride. GIVE UP. It's way past time to get the hell out of Iraq, okay?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another Steaming Pile of Bulls**t

So, at our school we have a bunch of pointless rules. The one that pisses me off the most doesn't actually concern me (yet). They have this bullshit rule that a guy's hair can't be long, and I really don't understand. If the fake lesbians can basically walk around with their heads shaved, which does not look "professional, " by the way, then why can't the metal heads wear their hair long?


And that's another thing that pisses me off, people who act like homosexuals for attention. (Notice I'm not putting up names, so let's not whine about how I'm a homophobe, okay?) I have no problem with actual gay people; they're here, they're queer, I got used to it. But the people who go around acting gay because they think it's "in" or "cool" or whatever you kids are saying nowadays.......yeah. Those are the kind of people I would like to bash.

I think they need to get rid of grades. Not the GPA, but all grades. They way I see it, grades are only a way of separating the good students who have been successfully brainwashed from the students who figured out that the school system is bullshit. NHS, SNHS, scholarships.....all bullshit. Every student should have an equal chance at everything. Some of you might say that this little bit is because my grades are so bad, but I've held this to be true since elementary school, when I was still kicking the shit out of everybody, grade-wise.


So who the hell invented dress clothes? Kakhi pants, button-down, collared shirts......some of the most uncomfortable shit on earth. Why do we dress up in stuff that feels bad? Why can't I wear blue jeans and a tshirt to my friend's graduation?

"Well, that's not how you dress for a graduation!"

According to whom? Who chooses what I wear to which function? Is it a etiqutte issue? Screw that scheisse. I choose how I dress, not Ms. Manners. Even I have limits to my evil. I won't wear a mean or inappropriate shirt if that's the problem.


As far as graduation goes, I'm dead set on not going to mine. It's just a bunch of pointless pomp and circumstance. But just because I won't be there physically, doesn't mean I won't have a presence there. I'll have to leave a calling card......heh heh heh.


So that's the kind of stuff that's on my mind on a regular basis; disjointed, illogical, and absolutely insane. But I have to admit, I really enjoy spending time in my own head.